Julien (Star Academy) “pathetic” and “arrogant”: his decision which still makes people react

Julian is definitely at the heart of all discussions at the moment. After his performance with his brother Mathieu, which was widely commented on, the candidate of the star Academy has drawn the wrath of some Internet users during a dance class.

If TF1 viewers have to wait until 5:30 p.m. to discover some images of the castle thanks to the daily newspaper, others can follow the students’ adventure live thanks to MYTF1 Max. Thus, this Monday, November 7, 2022, they were able to discover that for his new dance class, Yanis Marshall launched a challenge to the candidates: to dance in stiletto heels. If Chris, Louis or even Stanislas did not flinch, Julien did not want to put on the shoes in question. He explained that putting them on and dancing with them was out of the question, even for “€100,000” because he has “a dignity to keep“. A sequence that shocked some Internet users who were quick to express their dissatisfaction on Twitter.

People pretend not to understand. No one blames Julien for not having put on his heels but for talking about loss of dignity. It was clumsy, we can underline it. That doesn’t mean that Julien isn’t a nice person. Stop fanaticism!”, “I have never seen a candidate as divisive as Julien. There are no half measures. And on today’s controversy: No Julien, you don’t lose your dignity when you put on heels when you’re a man”, “No Julien, not now, not after everything you’ve done… put bichette heels stop your cinema”, “A dignity to keep” Julien he believes that if he puts on heels he becomes a woman ??? Pathetic…“, “Your darling Julien I swore is the worst. The guy thinks he’s unworthy if he puts on heels… He smacks me. Lazy, arrogant, toxic masculinity“, we were able to read in particular.

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