Julien (Star Academy) gives up in the middle of evaluations, even his fans let him go

The Show Must Go On is a motto artists know well. But not everyone applies it. One of the candidates for the star Academy for example preferred not to continue his singing performance in full evaluation, enough to disappoint his audience.

They are still eight students to be in competition. And like every Tuesday, all passed their evaluations in the hope of not being nominated. But for this week, director Michaël Goldman has set the bar even higher. He announced to Tiana, Anisha, Enola, Léa, Stanislas, Chris, Louis and Julien that they would only know their title to perform one hour before passing in front of the teachers. They then had to do a dance or theater improvisation. A situation that greatly distressed the participants.

Julien gives up

As if that weren’t enough, Julien fell ill, as MYTF1 Max subscribers discovered thanks to the live. Something to worry his admirers. The brother of Mathieu Canaby (former candidate for Rising Star, on M6) still revised the tube Lucy, by Pascal Obispo, after learning that he had to interpret it. But when the time for the evaluation came, it was a disaster. He started the song with difficulty and finally decided not to continue his show. “I’m sorry, I really zapped everything, it’s no use. It’s impossible for me, so I can’t“, he let go. The dance teacher Yanis Marshall therefore told him that he had to work. To which Julien replied: “I worked, but I’m the last to pass (…) I’ve only been sleeping since a while ago (…) I’m disgusted.“Despite the encouragement of the faculty, he preferred not to continue singing and continued with his theatrical improvisation.

On Twitter, Internet users who saw the sequence were quick to express their disappointment and sometimes even their anger. “Here I say I’m disappointed with Julien, no he doesn’t deserve to be saved this time. 0 effort, 0 vote”, “Julien I love you but there you shit in the glue, self-sabotage to death”, “Julien did not mess up his evaluation because he was sick, he messed up his evaluation because he abandoned. He didn’t even try to sing in front of the jury… It’s time he left. If he stays it wouldn’t be fair to the others”, “I’m sorry he’s my favorite but Julien has the attitude of a guy who doesn’t want to be saved”, “with everything the love I feel for julien if he finds himself nominated against Enola or Anisha on Saturday I don’t think he deserves to be saved… these girls are hardworking so let’s be honest julien does not do much but nothing prevents his talent! #Star Academy“, “Even enjoying basic Julien, I do not intend to support him this weekend. His fans saved him to give him another chance and he’s not even giving a bit of himself for this show… Really disappointed in him.” we were able to read.

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