Interview by Mirna from Onde Carriere
In the able-bodied, it is the athlete who must adapt to the technique and in disabled sports, it is more the technique that adapts to the athlete, in fact, according to the handicap.
Julien Lemardele
Julien Lemardelé joined ASM in 2011 in the athletics section. He started with young people on athletic training and then moved on to disabled sports to train young people up to competition.
Its objective is to detect young people who wish to invest in competition. And to try to bring them to the highest level.
Disabled athletics
The different families found in the able-bodied, such as jumping, throwing, running, are, in disabled sports, separated into two categories: standing and wheelchair.
Standing practice: amputee athlete, visually impaired, hearing impaired or poorly walking
Wheelchair: modular injury or greater difficulty walking
All athletics facilities at ASM Omnisports are suitable for all types of disabilities.
The qualities of a good sports coach
Patience, knowing how to adapt to all handicaps. There may be memorization problems, motor problems, body coordination problems… For example, for Romane, you have to repeat the same gesture 30 times, so that she assimilates the exercise. It can take 1, 2 or 3 sessions, but once it’s assimilated, it doesn’t get lost.
– Stephane Hourlier
Romane Boulard
Romane Boulard is 20 years old, she has been at ASM for 6 years. She competes in the 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, the length and the shot put.
For her training, she starts with 10 minutes of jogging, then she does either running or length and ends with stretching.
Romane was selected for the France team for the European Youth Games in 2019 in Finland.
I want to break my records
– Stephane Hourlier
The 100 years seen by Julien Lemardelé
It is a big family which brings together athletes, volunteers, people who are passionate. Even if we are not in the same sport, we all have the same idea of ASM. So this intention to share, of meet on different events, for me it’s a big family, only sharing, pleasure.
ASM on the move, with ASM Omnisports, Onde Porteuse and France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne
To find out more about ASM Omnisports
To learn more about the Carrier Wave
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