Julien Doré transformed since he became a dad: “There is an additional meaning…”

Since his move to New star in 2007, Julien Dore became one of the favorite singers of the French. True showman on stage, he has had successes for more than 15 years now and his latest album Aimee is a resounding success. Currently on tour in the Zeniths of France, he displays his joy and his energy on stage and at almost 40 years old, he appears more fulfilled than ever. A happiness that he perhaps owes to his recent fatherhood, he who formalized on December 18, 2021 to have become a dad during an interview with Nikos Aliagas.

Since then, the singer with long blond hair had not mentioned his role as a father, even if he shared some photos with his child (who could be a little boy if we believe the rumor). Currently on tour, Julien Doré has taken the time to reflect on the changes of recent months and when asked what it has brought him, the answer is clear: “All. On stage, I am a daron, this role, intimate, that of the house, this responsibility, I feel it towards the kids that I have in front of methose who say a word to me, give me a drawing”he explains in an interview with Parisian.

There is an additional meaning that feeds all parts of my life, artistic too

A radical change therefore for Julien Doré, who seems transformed by paternity. “There is an additional meaning that feeds all parts of my life, artistic too”, he explains. If we know very little about his mysterious companion and the mother of his child, the artist no longer hesitates to pour out his role as a father. Happy to return to the stage after a long absence due to the health crisis, the interpreter of Coco Caline couldn’t be happier, even though he knows the unexpected is always possible. “I feel like I’m rediscovering my passion, with this thing that floats in addition, the fact that it is possible that tomorrow it will be prevented again. It induces something very intense”he analyzes.

Dad recently, Julien Doré has been transformed by this new role, whether in his private life but also in his profession.

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