Julien Doré reveals his meeting with Catherine Deneuve in a “rotten room” and his first gesture which surprised him!

Already 15 years that Julien Doré rocks us and does good to our eardrums. And in 15 years, the ex-candidate of The New Star was able to meet many people from the community to be able to tell some anecdotes. The proof is with his meeting with Catherine Deneuve and this moment when he was able to see “a precious and simple human being”few years ago.

His first meeting with the great French actress took place some time after his participation in the tele-hook ofM6. “The immediate after Nouvelle Star was very disturbing for me because I had the chance to meet a lot of people, including Catherine Deneuve”recalls Julien Doré in an interview with Tele-Leisure before saying a little more about his feelings when he talks to her for the first time: “She is a person who introduces us and starts a very simple and very pretty conversation. She had seen me at Nouvelle Star. It was a very precious moment”.

Catherine Deneuve, easier than it looks

And if this moment is so precious for the one who had the chance to bring Pamela Anderson for one of her clips, it is also because before participating in The New Star, he never imagined for a second meeting such personalities: “we must not forget that when I go to the casting for the show, I have just been kindly dismissed by my boss with whom I have been working on construction sites for 5 years. Meeting up a few months later, chatting with Catherine Deneuve … I felt like I was living a waking dream. This conversation allows me, when I write the clip, to offer him very simply to come and have fun with me”.

Once the proposal has been accepted, Catherine Deneuve goes to find Julien Doré to listen to him play before clipping his piece. A moment that the artist dreaded for a very specific reason. “We tend to sanctify the artists whose work we admire and make them iconic. And there, when Catherine Deneuve arrives in this rotten room and listens to us play while lighting a cigarette…”he recalls before expressing his great surprise: “it desacralizes itself and we see a precious and simple human being”. A moment that marked the singer and that he will never forget.

See also: Video: Julien Doré in 12 improbable photos!


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