Julien Doré in a difficult period of life during the filming of The Voice Kids: revelations

the adventure The Voice Kids was very emotional for the star coaches of the program. If Patrick Fiori is well used to seeing mini nuggets of the song parade in front of him, just like Kendji Girac already present during the previous season, it was on the other hand a great first for Louane and Julien Doré. The two artists are the new recruits of the show and, from the first episode, the tears flowed. Louane notably cracked when hearing a song that was most symbolic in her eyes. As for Julien Doré, he confided that he had to interrupt filming after being upset by a performance.

The long-haired singer was, it must be said, on edge when it came to recording the blind auditions a few months ago. Blame it on a trying personal situation. “We are artists who sit in that chair, but we are also human beings who sometimes go through more or less easy, personal and intimate periods of life. This was my case during the filming of the show“, he confessed during an interview for Entertainment TV.

If he will not say more about what he was going through, Julien Doré explains that he found in music a saving escape. “Often, in periods of life when we have to go through difficult things, music has this incredible power to be able to make you capsize, in things that do you a lot of good, because they relieve you. Sometimes this also results in tears. It was my case. It was very special for me to receive these emotions because they were increased tenfold by what I was going through as a man. And at the same time, it was marvelous because those tears, I won’t forget them“, he confided again.

Julien Doré’s emotion will in any case be palpable as the episodes progress. The second salvo of the blind auditions of The Voice Kids is also expected this Saturday August 27, 2022 on TF1, from 9:15 p.m.

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