Julien Cohen unveils a funny mustache: his fans unconvinced by the result …

Julien cohen surprised his fans with a little whim. The antique dealer and buyer who officiates in Deal concluded recently changed her look, already singular with her flashy blue glasses. Today, he wears a very thick mustache! It was during an interview shared on Instagram on November 23 that the lover of collectibles unveiled his new mustache. A look reminiscent of Magnum in the 1980s series with Tom Selleck … A surprising new style that did not fail to make its subscribers react.

“Not a fan of the mustache”, “Julien with a mustache, it’s really special”, “What are those mustaches ??”, “my god it’s awful Mr. Cohen”, said viewers, who until then were used to seeing the art dealer with a beard of three days and no more. The one who shares his life with his wife Karine (with whom he has a daughter, Nina, 15) did not specify why he grew a mustache and did not respond to comments from his subscribers either.

Julien Cohen did not say either if his wife, who had not hidden her disgust for his pair of glasses, vetoed or not …

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