Julien Clerc swings after his time at Star Academy

Saturday October 22, Julien Clerc is the first big French star to have been invited to sing with the new students of the Star Academy. The interpreter of “My preference” offered some residents pretty duets during a medley where they revisited the greatest hits of the former companion of Miou-Miou. Invited to the “Big Heads” as a mystery guest two days later, Julien Clerc returned to the performances of the apprentice singers of the most famous of the artistic schools of the PAF. “They did a dirty trick to one of the students who was singing very well.”, intones Vanille’s dad, who then explains. “But as often the songs. But as often, men’s songs taken over by a woman there is a problem of tonality.” “And there she sang “Fais-moi une place”, they gave her “Fais-moi une place” to sing and she was a little in the cellar, it was a low step for her. So I don’t think she was able to give her full talent.”, he says.

And then there is the young woman of Malagasy origin who is very very good, we feel that there is a lot of feeling. That’s the problem with live, there’s a stage fright that even people in the business have. She was more efficient during the rehearsal where I heard that she had a real vocal talent and feeling. She was a little nervous, which is understandable at the time of the live“, he declares of Anisha’s performance.”And the young man who sang with me on “Ce n’est rien”, he was in his head voice and when he uses his head voice on rhythmic songs, he was good“, concluded the interpreter of “Women I love you”.

After Julien Clerc, it is another huge star of French song who will come to sing with the students of the Star Academy on Saturday October 29th. Véronique Sanson will indeed be alongside the residents who have escaped the nominations in order to revisit her immense repertoire.


See also: Véronique Sanson is committed to euthanasia!

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