Julien Clerc in his sights, the unexpected rant of the singer!

Made famous for her hit “Eve, get up”, a real hit in the 80s, Julie Pietri does not want to be confined to this title. “Even in the tour The 80s, I am not confined to Eve get up! “, launches France 3 Hauts de France, the one who released her eighth album in June 2022, Origami. “With my friends Sloane and Liocontinues the singer, we pay homage to Maurane by interpreting All the moms. And then I sing a Mecano title, or even Stephen, Stephen, by Guesch Patti. This is very fun !

For his eighth studio album, bringing together only unreleased, the flamboyant redhead was inspired by her life as a 67-year-old woman, “more than an artist“. A new opus, released in stores on June 3, 2022, which comes after two years of work, a change of team. A new collection of songs carried by the first single, the very pop-rock men who cryin which she calls on men to assume their fragilities.

The public is at the rendezvous of this songrejoices Julie Piétri, who adds: “I had been asked for something new, creations and not just anthologies.” “I made ten songs, reveals the singer, who continues: “and when I presented them to the radio programmers, I was told that they would not be broadcast, that I belonged to the box 80 years. So good, so much the better if I’m a muse of the 80s, it’s good, it’s flattering. But it’s been over forty years… Am I allowed to move on?

Something to get the artist out of his hinges and give him a real rant: Laure Adler says it very well: “I’m old and fuck you! » She is right. We’ve had enough of sexism and patriarchy.”I am not defined by my age! she laments. “It’s in people’s minds. But take Julien Clerc for example. It’s beautiful, frankly. Would anyone tell him he’s handsome for his age? No. You only do that with women. Is it interesting? Who cares, right?


See also: Julie Pietri: her physical development

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