Julien Bayou returns to the Assembly: “There is no debate, he is part of the group”, assures Cyrielle Chatelain

These are tense reunions at the Bourbon Palace, Tuesday, October 4. On the occasion of the questions to the government of this parliamentary return, Julien Bayou and Sandrine Rousseau found themselves a few seats apart. The former boss of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) took his place, his features drawn, just in front of Sandrine Rousseau. Observed from the distant press gallery, this scene triggered great unease in the benches of the Assembly.

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The two chosen ones were tense, tapping on their tablet to ease, perhaps, their stress. On several occasions, the ecologist deputy, a little isolated, fidgeted on her bench, looked for Julien Bayou, as if to confront him, in vain. He who charged her violently in a newspaper interview The worldbelieving that she had gone”too far“, which should not be confused “feminism and McCarthyism“Julien Bayou does everything to show that he does not want to hide. He appeared far from the Salle des Quatre Colonnes, where dozens of journalists were waiting for him.

After daily maintenance the World, and before returning to the Assembly, Julien Bayou participated in the work of his parliamentary group on Tuesday morning, thus attempting to normalize his parliamentary return. On the occasion of this weekly meeting, the deputy Cyrielle Chatelain, new president of the group, even sent him a message of support: “There is no question: Julien Bayou is part of the group. Today, we have 23 members in our group, they all have their place. We are a group with members who work together. There is no debate about anyone’s place in the group.”

The subject was not even mentioned in a meeting, we are assured. The group is now trying to move forward, defends the ecologist deputy Charles Fournier: “We may have needed a break with this subject in our group, we needed to meet around the subjects that are on the table”, he explains, adding that this reunion “have done good“.”We do not come back to it hot, following articles that come out. We don’t shove this under the rug, we’ll come back to it, but in a peaceful way“, he adds.

Others within EELV criticize this rapid return of Julien Bayou to the Bourbon Palace. “He should have stayed backbelieves a party official, time to clear things up”. Especially since the cell against violence against women in the party has just been seized again, this time directly by the ex-companion of Julien Bayou. Which means that a new internal investigation must begin.

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