Julien Bayou “instrumentalizes this affair for political purposes”, considers the lawyer of his ex-companion

Accused of psychological violence by his ex-girlfriend, Julien Bayou, the former national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, “use this case for political purposes”, estimates Wednesday, October 5 on franceinfo the lawyer of the former girlfriend, Maître Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon, who speaks for the first time. Julien Bayou defended himself the day before on France 5, saying “innocent of facts which” were not to him “presented and of which” he can’t “defend”. Me Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon sees it in this interview “the continuation of its storytelling, its media campaign”.

>> “There is no Bayou affair, there is no accusation”, reacts Julien Bayou, accused of psychological violence towards his ex-companion

By speaking to the media on several occasions, Julien Bayou tries, according to Me Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon to “pressuring to intervene on the cell” internal fight against gender-based and sexual violence. She denounces on the part of Julien Bayou a “instrumentalization to victimize yourself and try to hide one of your opponents”quoting without naming her Sandrine Rousseau. “If he really had the respect he claims for the victims, for the women and for his ex-girlfriend, he wouldn’t do that”, adds the lawyer of the ex-companion of Julien Bayou. He “spreads in the media to form media pressure”she insists.

Me Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon ensures that the process of the cell, which has not yet heard either her client or the former national secretary of EELV, is not abnormal: in any internal cell “the contradictory is only minimal”, she specifies. She explains that he “there are anonymizations to preserve speech inside, to avoid pressure”.

The lawyer does not close the door to the filing of a complaint by her client: “It’s a choice that belongs to him”, she says. She clarifies that she does not know if “She will still have the shoulders, the strength and the will to go to court and undergo a campaign that will be, no doubt, more important”. Julien Bayou’s ex-girlfriend “does not go well”. According to her lawyer, she “expressed the wish that his former companion stop speaking in his place”.

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