Julien Bayou calls for “a discussion” between EELV and LFI before the second round of the presidential election



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The national secretary of EELV believes that “the keys to the gathering, to the pact of non-competition” are in the hands of La France insoumise.

“There needs to be a discussion [entre Europe-Écologie Les Verts et La France insoumise] take place before the second round of the presidential election to prepare for the legislative elections”, launches Julien Bayou, national secretary of EELV, Sunday April 17 on franceinfo. If he admits “points of disagreement, especially on foreign affairs” between the two political parties, Julien Bayou recognizes above all “very strong points of convergence” on democratic life and social minima.

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Julien Bayou therefore wishes “at a minimum, a non-competition pact” so that both parties return “together more numerous in the Assembly”. This will allow, according to him, the left to“oppose the climate inaction and the social damage of Emmanuel Macron if he is re-elected”. But the national secretary of Europe-Ecology Les Verts is categorical, “the keys to gathering, to the non-competition pact” are in the hands of La France insoumise.

“Rebellious France came out on top, that gives it great power and great responsibility.”

Julien Bayou, national secretary of EELV

at franceinfo

He calls for not repeating the situation of 2017, denouncing a lack of discussion at that time: “We saw what it produced not to discuss: 17 Insubordinate deputies, it is not enough; and we had had zero deputies. Julien Bayou believes that “Rebellious France has the same choice as in 2017”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party can choose to“to establish alone a domination” without “power to weigh to improve daily life” of the French, or he can “build with others [partis] an act of resistance, of alternation in the Assembly”.

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