Julien Arruti as a couple: the discreet Aurélie has been making her heart beat for several years

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Julien Arruti on the screens. After Despite himself superheroesdirected by his great friend from La Bande à Fifi, Philippe Lacheau, the 43-year-old actor tried his hand at the experience LOL, who laughs comes out, unveiled last year. This Friday, August 5, he will be one of the characters in the new episode of Tourists, a TF1 program presented by Arthur. Alongside Iris Mittenaere, Camille Cerf, Cartman, Titoff and Baptiste Giabiconi, Julien Arruti will rub shoulders with the job of policeman and the difficulties it entails. A program that will surely not fail to watch his discreet darling.

If the couple formed by Elodie Fontan and Philippe Lacheau, who became parents of a little Raphaël in December 2019, does not hide, Julien Arruti is much more secret. This does not mean that he hides a heavy celibacy, quite the contrary. The actor and comedian is very happy in the private sector since he crossed paths with his beautiful Aurélie. If he does not post anything on social networks, Julien Arruti has shown himself on his arm on several occasions, in particular for film previews or more recently in the stands of Roland-Garros.

Of the pretty brunette, we know very little. If it is impossible to say how long the couple have been in love, the lovebirds do not fight in the same category. Julien Arruti certainly takes the light thanks to his job as an actor, but his companion is not left out. Aurélie worked for the Biguine brand before becoming project manager for the major Sephora brand.

At the same time, she set up her own company of solid, environmentally friendly cosmetics, called Seize12. A very symbolic name since we learn on the site that it indicates the date of birth of the two daughters of Julien Arruti and Aurélie: “It all started when my daughters were born. They were born on the same day, the same month, 3 years apart: the SEIZE12.

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