Julie Gayet: What she refused to do with François Hollande

More than eight years after the scandal of the scooter photos of François Hollande, discreetly joining the actress and producer Julie Gayet, water has flowed under the bridges. The committed artist agrees to discuss her relationship with the former president, with modesty and sincerity. That’s what she did for Morning Corsica, when she was invited to the first edition of the “Cine Donne” festival to talk about women in the seventh art.

To be reduced to “woman of”, very little for Julie Gayet who has always refused to be considered as first lady of France when they formalized their couple. His priority, protecting his privacy: “This was also the case with the father of my children, who is a screenwriter and writer [Santiago Amigorena, ndlr]. I think the question is the same for everyone: how does a woman manage, in a couple, to preserve her own identity and her career? Beyond our personal and intimate life, everyone must be able to stay in their place.” This is how Julie Gayet emphasizes that she has “never been on an official trip, nor tried to speak for him“: “It is this image, that of an independent woman, that I tried to give. I hope people get it.”

Julie Gayet returned to the direct consequences of GayetGate, which made noise beyond our borders. She admits that the case may have harmed her presidential image: “In any case, it was used in this way. I think personal life should be respected. I am firm on this. As far as I am concerned, the private sphere does not interest me. What matters, from my point of view, are the political acts.” In a previous and recent interview conducted by the Belgian media The Freethe heroine ofA perfect mother (on TF1 from April 28) explained that she was her greatest anxiety: “I try to think that my relationship with François Hollande could not harm his presidency. It’s one of my worst fears.

At a time when the Socialist Party has signed its death warrant with the score of 1.74% for Anne Hidalgo – officially supported at the end of the race by François Hollande, Julie Gayet will therefore not speak on the debacle of the movement which had, at its height, carried François Mitterrand to the presidency for two terms. And even less on the new political inclinations of his companion, ex of Ségolène Royal, the mother of their four children.

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