Julie Gayet talks about the famous French filmmaker live in “C à vous”

Julie Gayet was this Wednesday March 1, 2023, invited on the set of the show “C à vous”. Faced with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, the actress spoke of the women who are feminists who have marked the history of France. “Among the women who had made things change before, it was Agnès Varda, one of your great encounters, she offered you your first major role in 1995, she was a feminist and she assumed being a mother, she talked about it…” said columnist Emilie Tran Nguyen.
To which the wife of François Hollande responds: “She was huge, she was not in words, she did not necessarily say: ‘I am a feminist’, she was by deeds” before adding: “She’s a model for me, really. I started with her, it was my first big role and there is a mix. It was important for her that there were women in the team. It was the first time that I saw women holding the poles, for example, on a set…”. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine then hastened to point out that there are still too few women in the industry.
Julie Gayet signs a new book
The 50-year-old actress went on to explain that feminism has long been seen as something negative but that everything has changed since 2017, when the “Me Too” movement gained momentum: “That’s what Agnès said , is that now we have to be together. We have to come together!
As a reminder, Julie Gayet has just released a book entitled “Together we are stronger” which is none other than a book in which she evokes the women and men who inspired her. The opportunity also for her, to indulge a little more about her profession and her private life, in particular her marriage to François Hollande.

Elizabeth Sall

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