Julie Gayet “not perfect” mother: rare secrets about her sons Tadeo and Ezéchiel

In A perfect mother, drama series broadcast this Thursday, May 5 on TF1, Julie Gayet plays Hélène Berg, a mother whose daughter is accused of murdering a young boy after a nightclub outing. The opportunity to return to the difficult role that is that of mom. In fiction, the actress is ready to do anything to defend her daughter and get her out of prison. And Julie Gayet would do exactly the same for her two sons, Tadeo and Ezéchiel, 21 and 22, born of her marriage to director Santiago Amigorena. However, she admits that she is not the ideal mother, like all mothers in the world.

In Culture Media on Europe 1 on April 28, Julie Gayet confided in her relationship with her sons and how complicated it was to ensure on all fronts: “I always tried to listen knowing that it was going to be complicated, that they wouldn’t talk to me, but we’re not perfect so we do what we can and we try to give love . (…) What is very difficult is that our children want to protect us, that’s the worst.”

Julie Gayet has often questioned herself as a mother by relieving herself of guilt: “Do perfect mothers exist?“The answer is no, no matter what the injunctions want you to believe:”Let women do what they want.“As a fervent feminist and activist for women’s rights, the companion of François Hollande has also instilled in Tadeo and Ezekiel values ​​that are essential in his eyes: that of the sharing of tasks and equality between women and men.

No subject is taboo at home. In 2018, Julie Gayet even confided that she had raised the subject of endometriosis, a disease suffered by Laetitia Milot or Lorie Pester, with them: “The younger generation and my sons want to know for their girlfriends, be careful. There are a few cases where having sex can be painful. They looked at me with wide eyes, asked me ‘Why don’t they tell us?‘ I think it’s also important that they know.” Julie Gayet is not so far from the perfect mother after all!

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