Julie Gayet married to François Hollande: Who is Santiago Amigorena, her ex-husband and father of her two sons?

Long before becoming François Hollande’s wife, Julie Gayet shared the life of filmmaker Santiago Amigorena. After a marriage celebrated on June 10, 2000 in the Gers, they had welcomed two children Ezéchiel (21 years old) and Tadeo (20 years old). Despite their divorce in 2006, the two exes remained close and did their best to raise their children together.

When Julie Gayet was caught up in the media whirlwind that was the start of her romance with François Hollande, Santiago Amigorena was the first to support her. In an interview at European 1 in January 2014, the Argentinian actor described her as a “gorgeous actress“, a “mother who takes care of her children” and like “someone I obviously know very well and get along with very well”. “I am saddened and extremely surprised by all that is said about her. I speak because his name has been involved in this case”he explained after the revelations of the magazine Closer.

Despite himself, Santiago Amigorena has been asked many times about the case. In his book Days I haven’t forgotten published in January 2014, he described his story with Julie Gayet as “mundane”. “The story was banal: she was an actress and, after loving him exclusively for a few years, after having had two children, after turning thirty, she had fallen in love – deeply in love – with an actor” he said.

Writer, producer, actor… Santiago Amigorena lived in Argentina and Uruguay before his parents’ exile in France. In the 1990s, he wrote numerous screenplays, notably Normal people are nothing special or, A few days in September, his very first film for which he met Juliette Binoche, in 2006. The filmmaker will then share the life of the actress until 2009.

Since then, he has been the companion of screenwriter Marion Quantin, married in 2018. Together, they are parents of a one and a half year old child.

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