Julie Gayet married to François Hollande: this “non-aggression pact” with Ségolène Royal

Julie Gayet celebrated her 50th birthday on June 3, 2022 and married François Hollande on the 4th! A life marked by the love of cinema, for his two sons Tadéo and Ezéchiel born of his relationship with the director and screenwriter Santiago Amigorena and since 2014, by the former President of the Republic. The latter arrived discreetly in her life, before their relationship exploded in broad daylight and against their will with the disclosure by Closer famous scooter photos. But do we know exactly everything about the beginnings of their history? A protagonist played an important role and it is none other than … his ex-girlfriend Ségolène Royal!

In Point in 2014, Michel Revol returns to the appearance of Julie Gayet in the circle of François Hollande. It all started a few months before the 2007 presidential election where Ségolène Royal represents the Socialist Party. A movement that Julie Gayet supports, just like her father Brice Gayet, professor of medicine specializing in digestive surgery. The theater director Bernard Murat, friend of the Royal-Hollande couple, introduced her to the politician and mother of François Hollande’s four children. The 35-year-old actress is not a star but enjoys great sympathy in her community and then in politics she ends up supporting the candidate.

In 2011, Julie Gayet is still close to the socialists and is even seen in the front row of the Halle Freyssinet during the investiture commission of François Hollande, not far from Benjamin Biolay, who was also invited to their wedding. She is increasingly involved in projects supported by PS policies such as the youth festival Mon premier festival, created by the Paris city hall, using her media notoriety. A socialist tenor quickly notes that the image returned by the artist is much warmer than that of his ex Valérie Trierweiler.

Relations will also be better for the former minister with Julie Gayet than with the former journalist Paris Match. On Planet.fr in 2016, François Aubel, author of the book An intermittent at the Élyséeexplained as follows:It’s as if they had signed a non-aggression pact. Ségolène Royal quickly understood that the ‘everything but Valérie Trierweiler’ would benefit her. She also quickly realized that Julie Gayet might not be an ‘ally’, but that she was an intelligent woman and that she could draw some advantages from it.“Ségolène Royal no longer wanted a crash like with the author of the book Thank you for this moment which marked the quinquennium Hollande, wishing for social peace.

For eight years, Julie Gayet and François Hollande lead their sentimental life without making a splash. Supporting herself discreetly whether in the cinema for her or in politics for him. Today, they are even married!

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