Julie Gayet married to François Hollande: emotion and gift live in C à Vous!

Julie Gayet has passed the milestone of fiftieth very serene since the day after her 50th birthday, which she celebrated on Friday, June 3, the actress officially became the wife of François Hollande. But no honeymoon planned, at least not right away! It was in Paris that Julie Gayet finally returned to complete the preparation of a brand new project, barely five days after the wedding. This Wednesday, June 8, she was also on the set of the show C to you to talk about this new baby!

From June 22 to 25, the second edition of the Twin Sisters festival, The meeting of music and image, created by Julie Gayet, will take place in the city of Rochefort. An event eagerly awaited by its creator who was happy to talk about the event. Usually blundering and curious, one would have thought that Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine would have cooked her guest to find out a little more about the festivities last weekend. But it was nothing. The host nevertheless had a very nice attention to Julie Gayet at the very end of the program: “Congratulations dear Julie! I had a bouquet for you, here it is! All our wishes of happiness from the whole team of C à Vous.” A gift much appreciated by the actress, visibly very moved. It must be said that such an event in a lifetime is something to celebrate!

It was the surprise of this Tuesday, June 7. The La Montagne site exclusively revealed the marriage of Julie Gayet and François Hollande. Saturday June 4, the former President of the Republic and the actress said “yes” to the town hall of Tulle, in front of the mayor Bernard Combes, friend of the politician. Only two shots of the ceremony accompanied the article: the first revealing François Hollande in costume and Julie Gayet, in a beautiful white dress with asymmetrical sleeves, climbing the stairs of the town hall; the second showing the newlyweds signing the register. The lovers, all smiles, united in front of their loved ones, including Emilie Broussouloux, wife of Thomas Hollande, and Benjamin Biolay, one of Julie Gayet’s friends to whom she gave the reply in the film Like an actress by Sébastien Bailly, soon in the cinema.

This is the first marriage for François Hollande. Long in a relationship with Ségolène Royal, mother of her four children Clémence, Flora, Thomas and Julien, then with Valérie Trierweiler, the former head of state had never had the ring put on his finger unlike his wife. Before falling in love with François Hollande, the 50-year-old actress shared the life of Santiago Amigorena, father of her two sons Tadeo, 23, and Ezéchiel, 21, whom she married in 2000. Marriage older… Happy marriage!

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