Julie Gayet and the children of François Hollande: revelations about their sometimes distant relationships

Revealed in 2014 in the magazine Closer because of stolen photographs, the love story between Julie Gayet and François Hollande caused a scandal in the French and international press. Already in a relationship with Valérie Trierweiler at the time, the former President of the Republic had first tried to deny this affair before formalizing his break with the former journalist from Paris Match fifteen days after the publication of the pictures.

Mother of two sons Tadeo and Ezéchiel (born of her marriage to the filmmaker Santiago Amigorena from whom she divorced in 2006), the actress first lived in the shadow of the former head of state for many years since They only made their relationship public on December 9, 2017, during a ceremony honoring Johnny Hallyday.

It doesn’t work out the way she wants it to

Father of Thomas (born in 1984) who became a lawyer, of Clémence (born in 1986) who became a doctor in hepato-gastroenterology in Paris, of Julien (born in 1987) who works as a filmmaker and of Flora (born in 1992) who became a psychologist – all from his relationship with Ségolène Royal, from whom he separated in 2007 – François Hollande had to build a new blended family life with his new partner, the subject of all the criticism in the book Thank you for this moment by Valerie Trierweiler.

According to Paris Matchthe children of François Hollande also often tended to keep their distance from Julie Gayet and often preferred to see him “Alone“without his new companion,”to avoid the sadness and wrath of their mother, Ségolène Royal“. A situation that we imagine very difficult to live for the actress of the series Ten percent who was also unable to go to the wedding of the eldest son of his companion in September 2018 for fear of meeting his mother at the ceremony.

Interviewed by Closer, Kevin, one of the nephews of François Hollande, had revealed that the romantic relationship between Julie Gayet and François Hollande was not always easy. “It doesn’t work as she would like (…) With such a liability, my uncle can no longer live his love life happily. And unfortunately, for the one that follows, the one that everyone knows, it’s hard” he confided.

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