Julie Gayet and François Hollande married: this great star invited to their wedding

Former President of the Republic François Hollande and his companion, actress Julie Gayet, married discreetly on Saturday June 4, 2022 at the town hall of Tulle in Corrèze, the newspaper revealed exclusively. The mountain, informed by the town hall. A wedding which took place in the intimacy specified the municipality directed by Bernard Combes, friend of the groom who had succeeded him in 2008.

At 67, this is the first marriage of François Hollande, father of 4 children, born of his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, the former minister Ségolène Royal. Julie Gayet, divorced in 2006 from Santiago Amigorena, mother of two grown-up boys Tadeo and Ezekiel, celebrated her 50th birthday the day before, June 3, in Tulle.

Few details are circulating on this wedding, a beautiful photo of the bride and groom has been unveiled, revealing the superb dress of Julie Gayet. According to the daily The mountain, the singer Benjamin Biolay was one of the guests. The new proof of the friendship that unites the two artists already seen side by side at various events. In 2020, we could see them together on stage very accomplices for the event Conversation around Music and Image as part of the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival.

The singer and actor Benjamin Biolay and the actress-producer Julie Gayet were among the artists publicly supporting the socialists from the campaign of Ségolène Royal in 2007. The two friends were then seen for the following presidential election, this time supporting François Hollande, in particular during a meeting in Vincennes in April 2012. Attached to the political rose, Julie Gayet was nurtured by the commitment of her father, renowned doctor-surgeon Brice Gayet. Benjamin Biolay is getting more and more involved: for the 2022 legislative elections in Paris, he supports the socialist Gabrielle Siry-Houari and chairs the committee in honor of this deputy mayor of the 18th century, candidate for the June elections.

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