Julie Gayet abandons François Hollande but not Philae, already 7 years old! Adorable photo

Her relationship with François Hollande having been “formalized” against her will by a scandal, Julie Gayet was never strictly speaking a first lady. Never mind, the 49-year-old French actress and producer did not want this status. This is how she continues to chart her path as an artist. But if she didn’t want presidential pomp, she fully embraced the bitch that was offered to former president, Philae. Moreover, it is his mistress that she accompanies when she is on the move, leaving the politician to attend to his media obligations for the release of his latest book, Confront (Stock editions).

“To each their own profession. Mine is to be an actress and a producer“, confided Julie Gayet to Paris Match in 2018. She never wanted to become first lady and then made it clear why: “We elect a person, not a couple. The function of first lady is sexist. It’s a job that requires you to stop your job. And in addition we do not receive a salary. “Even today, it is as an artist and not” companion of “that she went on October 23, 2021 for the inauguration of the Grand Central cinema in Colomiers, near Toulouse.

A few days earlier, Julie Gayet was passing through Isère for a performance at the Déclic de Claix of the play I wouldn’t have made it here if … taken from a book by Annick Cojean, major reporter at World. A show directed by Judith Henry in which she gives the reply to the lover of the former head of state. After the show, she stayed in a charming hotel in Grenoble which offered her a beautiful view of the Vercors and she was therefore accompanied by her adorable female black Labrador that she immortalized in a photo on her Instagram account. In comment, she specified the age of the animal at the request of a user: “7 years already!

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