Julie Depardieu’s fed up with Gérard, whom she refuses to call “dad”

It is not always easy to be associated with the label of “son/daughter of” and it is not Julie Depardieu who will say the opposite. Moreover, his resemblance to his parent, in particular because of his nose, has earned him some complexes to the point of returning to the pool table five times !

But that does not mean that she denies where she comes from even if the comedian admitted it was “a bit of a shame” when she was younger. Moreover, Julie Depardieu revealed which personality trait had transmitted to her Gérard Depardieu at the microphone of Current wife. “Thanks to my father, I find it easier to talk to a valet than to a guy who is interested in me because I supposedly represent something. I want to teach my children what he means to me. learned: everything is easier when you’re simple! We don’t care who we are. We talk to everyone. I’ve always seen my father do that. He’s a guy… he doesn’t “there aren’t two like him. He’s nice, with everyone: tramp, pecnot, prince… all people interest him” she declared proudly.

Despite the affection she has for him, Julie Depardieu surprisingly refuses the right to nickname him “dad“. The one who suffered enormously from her unhealthy jealousy in love justified herself on this unexpected fact by saying: “because it does not belong to me”. The blonde beauty however added: “Of course, it wasn’t easy when we were little because ‘you understand, he can’t refuse a role like that’. It’s true that he has become a monument. I went once in Russia with him. It’s incredible the dimension he has abroad.” I would like to stop talking about him, but I can’t refuse: somewhere, he has become a public figure”.

These are words that are likely to please the principal concerned, especially when we know that she hurt him in spite of herself during a statement about him taken out of context saying that she announced him dead within five years. All’s well that ends well then!

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