Julie Depardieu reacts once again and denounces “an unprecedented manhunt for a guy we loved”

Targeted by two complaints for rape and sexual assault since 2020, the case
Gérard Depardieu
has taken on another dimension since December 7, 2023. Date on which a Further investigation actor-centric was broadcast on France 2. In the documentary, we can discover the 74-year-old actor making very limited remarks towards women during his trip to North Korea on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the regime in 2018.

Since then, criticism of the sacred monster of French cinema has been pouring in. So much so that the main person concerned would have taken refuge in an unpretentious house in Tournai in Belgium. The Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, for her part, visited C to you at the end of the week, mentioned the Legion of Honor awarded to the actor. A decoration that could be removed from him. Indeed, the minister indicated that“a disciplinary procedure” was going to be engaged to rule on the subject. In fact, the family of Gérard Depardieu decided to react in the columns of Sunday Newspaper.

Also see: “We excuse him…”, Clara Morgane speaks again on the Depardieu affair and “the 11-year-old little girl”

Julie Depardieu publicly reacts to the “cabal” against her father

Along with our colleagues, the actor’s children, Julie, Roxane, and Jean, his niece Delphine, and his ex-wife Elisabeth, denounced “the cabal” carried out against the actor. This Monday, December 18, 2023, Julie Depardieu

reacted again
during his passage in Pro Hour

on CNEWS. Faced with Pascal Praud, she denounces a “unprecedented manhunt for a guy we loved just 5 minutes ago and who, for the moment, is radically excluded from this society”.

Because he has “the freedom to speak as he wishes”.Julie Depardieu notes that his father “great freedom of speech”. This same freedom itself led her, sometimes, to “to be ashamed”as a child. “But does a word mean more? Does when he says things like that, does that mean he does them? Often no. Often the more you say, the less you do, like so the proverb says. But I was really very surprised by the violence of the rejection of this man, whom we had idolized all his life”she lamented, saddened by the situation.


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