Julie Depardieu destroyed by a break: Philippe Katerine tipped everything

Julie Depardieu is making her comeback on France 3! The 48-year-old actress puts on the blouseAlexandra Ehle, wacky lawyer from the eponymous series, a new episode of which is broadcast this Tuesday, February 22. If the character has decided to end love, Julie Depardieu lives happy days in the arms of singer Philippe Katerine. In 2010, the year of their meeting, the actress was however far from wanting to revive in a story, quite the contrary. His motto: flee. Before bringing in the interpreter of luxor i love it in her life, Julie Depardieu came out of a story with the violinist Laurent Korcia. A seven-year romance of which she does not keep only good memories. In the pages of Entertainment TVshe returned to this chaotic separation which no longer made her believe in anything: “Before meeting Philippe, I was coming out of a difficult breakup and I no longer wanted to live with history. But it’s always when you don’t believe it anymore that it happens“.

The filming of I am a no man’s land finally changed the situation even if Julie Depardieu was not at all in the perspective of starting a new love story: “I remember going to Dolle, where the filming was taking place, without expecting anything. I didn’t have a furious desire to exist, I was there and not there at the same time. Losing someone knocks you down, makes you question everything. […] The very idea of ​​really existing disgusted me“, she confided to Gala at the time. The current finally passes with his partner Philippe Katerine who gradually tames the actress. The perseverance ended up paying since today, the lovers are the happy parents of Billy and Alfred. It was however far from won.

Before shooting together for Thierry Jousse’s film, Julie Depardieu and Philippe Katerine had already met for the first time. A catastrophic meeting: “We met in 2008 during a shoot for a magazine. During the endless interview, we agreed on nothing. It was impossible for Philippe Katerine to like me!“The timing didn’t really work in their favor either:”He was in a relationship and I wasn’t ready, I had just lost my brother. It took until 2010 for this to materialize. (…) Our love is mysterious. I never thought it would fall on me. Besides, I didn’t want children, the idea scared me. I didn’t think I was made for family life“, also specified Julie Depardieu to Paris Match. Like what, life is a bit like an autopsy for Alexandra Ehle, you never know what you’re going to come across…

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