Julie Depardieu (Alexandra Ehle): Her tip for not forgetting her hyper technical text

It is a special miscellaneous facts that proposed C to you this Friday, February 18. In addition to addressing the Nordal Lelandais trial, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Maëlys in 2017, the entire team of the show also discussed series. And for good reason. Julie Depardieu was honored to be present on set for the upcoming broadcast of the eighth episode ofAlexandra Ehle, offbeat and whimsical forensic scientist with a pronounced taste for “I conduct my own investigations”. But his primary goal: to dissect the bodies to determine the causes of death. Interpreting such a role requires a sacred technique. If remembering a text has become a habit for Julie Depardieu, keeping in mind the precise scientific terms necessary to embody Alexandra Ehle is a feat. She gets there but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her back.

Medical jargon, unless you have studied medicine or have been rocked by all the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, it’s a bit like revising your exams three hours from a partial. So in order not to waste the crew’s time on the set and to be sure to interpret Alexandra Ehle to perfection, Julie Depardieu found the trick, that of “paste cheat sheets“on the fake bodies created by the production:”I don’t see why I would learn super technical stuff since I have a dead man and we don’t often film him because he’s disgusting. It’s plastic, we film my beautiful face and I look intensely at the body and look, I have a little cheat sheet that will tell me that the left femoral artery… you see, that helps me!” she admitted without any qualms!

However, you have to know how to look up from your files. Something that Julie Depardieu does not always do: “The other time he said to me:It is obvious that you are reading!He told me, I stopped reading.“Julie Depardieu has a lot of merit since, as she admitted on the set, she never attended a real autopsy. But if there is a body she knows by heart, it is that of her companion and father of her two children, Philippe Katerine.And there is no doubt that with all the love she has for him, Julie Depardieu does not need help to remember…

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