Julie Bocquet, hidden daughter of the artist, ready to do anything to come out of the shadows!

If Claude François died more than 43 years ago, the interpreter of the title “Monday in the sun” is still one of the essential artists. This Tuesday, February 1, 2022, the artist should have celebrated his 83rd birthday. A date that his relatives, like music lovers, will probably never forget. At his death, the musician had notably left behind him two tearful boys, but also a girl named Julie Bocquet. Adopted by the star, the latter revealed her story through a disturbing story published in November 2018 by Lucpire editions.

During his career, the one everyone nicknamed Cloclo turned heads. Among the young women he has been able to date, there is one who still stands out. Indeed, the singer has indeed maintained a passionate affair with Fabienne, a 14-year-old teenager who had, at the time, lied about her age. While the couple lives a beautiful love story, the young girl becomes pregnant. A shame for his parents who will therefore force him to abandon the child.

Years later, Julie Bosquet discovers the terrible truth about her mother. So she sets out to find her. A long-term quest that will change his life forever. Far from the rhinestones and sequins, the daughter of Claude François will finally no longer bear to live in the shadows. It is in particular the release of the film Cloclo that will make him decide not to hide anymore. ” Because it was about his personal life and, again, we weren’t talking about me. It was like being rejected, denied a second time. I felt it not only as an injustice, but I started to have doubts. I wondered if he was really my biological father “.

Finally, the young woman succeeded, thanks to a relative, in recovering a cigarette butt thrown by the singer. Again, his life changes. The DNA test reveals that she is indeed the daughter of Claude François. And if all this were to fix the situation, nope. A tragedy occurs. Julie Bocquet is now in love with a married man and forces herself to live a lie. She will then end up telling her story. ” I didn’t want to be in the shadows anymore. For nothing, for no one, whatever the context! »

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