Julie Bélanger leaves Rhythm FM

Julie Bélanger announced on Tuesday that she was leaving her Rythme FM microphone to take on new challenges.

Posted at 9:49

Live from the show she co-hosts with Marie-Ève ​​Janvier, Julie and Marie at noon, Julie Bélanger explained that the pandemic made her think about her priorities. “A lot of business has happened in my life,” she added.

“I decided not to renew my contract which ends in the spring, she specified. I’m not leaving tomorrow. I finish in May. »

At 47, Julie Bélanger realizes that she’s been in the business for 25 years that she’s got “the pedal to the bottom” and she wants to slow down. She also confided that she was thirsty for new things. In particular, she has a project for television in progress.

“I had to make a choice. A decision like this is not taken lightly. After 14 years, the Rhythm gang are more than colleagues. It’s family. »

Remember that Julie Bélanger released a book in the fall of 2020 entitled Be well.

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