Julian Alaphilippe victorious: Marion Rousse mad with joy, their son Nino completely missed out …

It’s a victory he’s been waiting for for quite some time now and which will do him a lot of good for his morale. Yesterday, Julian Alaphilippe signed his first victory of the season during the second stage of the Tour of the Basque Country, in Spain. A very good start for the double world champion in road cycling, who had not started his season very well so far. A sprint finish which obviously did the champion a lot of good, but not only that. In a relationship since 2020 with the beautiful consultant Marion Roussethe 29-year-old cyclist made his partner very happy.

Very active on social networks, the new director of the Tour de France Women reacted on her Instagram account after her lover’s great victory. In his story, the one followed by more than 285,000 subscribers published a photo of Julian when he arrived on the side of Viana at the end of the stage. On the picture (see the slideshow), we see him victorious and with a furious fist, enough to fill Marion’s heart with joy. “Yaaaaaaas”, she exclaims in commentary on the photo, which she accompanies with three big red hearts. The 30-year-old mother then took the opportunity to congratulate her darling’s teammate, Remco Evenepoel, the young Belgian rider who helped launch the French perfectly to victory.

Nino not interested in his father’s victory

If Marion Rousse is particularly proud of her companion and she followed the race carefully, their son Nino (born in June 2021) is still too small to follow his father’s races. On the last story published yesterday, the beautiful blonde shows a photo of her adorable son and obviously he had much more important things to do. “Bravo dad, but it was still time for my snack”can we read in the comments of a photo where we see Nino eating, with the very dirty bib.

Images that should make Julian Alaphilippe laugh, after his superb victory. Perfectly launched in his season, the French cyclist knows that he can count on the support of his companion Marion Rousse, but a little less of his son Nino, especially at snack time!

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