Jules and Julie go to a condo | A podcast for future condo buyers

Are you considering purchasing your first condo? The magazine Protect yourself recently launched Jules and Julie go to a condo, a podcast series addressing various facets of purchasing and life, not always simple, in co-ownership.

Supported by professional actors including Marc Béland, Isabelle Brouillette, Patrick-Emmanuel Abélard and Alix Dufresne, journalist Marie-Eve Shaffer addresses themes such as the budget, the declaration of co-ownership, the management of common areas, co-ownership charges (“fees condo”) and short-term rentals (Airbnb).

Produced in partnership with the Notarial Studies Fund of the Chambre des notaires du Québec, the series of eight short episodes is available on the website of Protect yourself and on most broadcast platforms.

Visit the Protégez-Vous website

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