Judo star Teddy Riner in Perpignan this weekend

Perpignan welcomes from Friday and until Sunday the French judo championships, at the exhibition center. After the exploits of our tricolors at the last Olympic and Paralympic Games (10 medals across the two competitions including two titles), we will not see all the heroes of Tokyo but at least two Olympic medalists will be present.

Teddy Riner returns to competition in Perpignan

Among the headliners, the greatest French judoka: Teddy Riner. The colossus of Guadeloupe resumes competition this weekend to participate in the team event with his club, PSG judo. We left the champion at the end of July in Japan with a gold medal in the same category with the France team. After a long Stations of the Cross and despite an injury to his leg and hand, Riner also won an individual bronze medal for his 4th participation in the Games.

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Other Tokyo medalists in the POs

This weekend we should also see Madeleine Malonga, vice Olympic champion in less than 78kg in Tokyo. She will fight under the colors of her club ES Blanc Mesnil. Romane Dicko, silver medalist over 78kg could also be present. Finally from this Wednesday and as a preamble to the competition, the French judo federation is organizing “the champions’ route”, moments of sharing with young judokas. As part of this operation to promote the discipline, Amandine Buchard silver medalist under 52 kg and Sarah-Léonie Cysique who won the same color but in the category above, the under 57kg, will be present in the PO.

The program of the French judo championships in Perpignan: here

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