Jubillar case: these “violations of secrecy” which outrage, on an unprecedented scale”!

The Toulouse prosecutor has “deplored” May 6, 2022 the “media treatment” of the disappearance of the nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines Delphine Jubillar, while excluding investigating possible violations of the secrecy of the instruction, as requested by the lawyers of Cédric Jubillar, suspected of having killed his wife disappeared at the end of 2020. “JI fully subscribe to the disapproval of these advices on the media treatment of this affair, all the elements of which are constantly found in the various media“, writes the prosecutor in a press release.It is a situation that I deplore“, he adds.

The prosecutor notes, however, that the publication in the press of the report on Delphine Jubillar’s “broken” glasses, which Cédric’s lawyers cite in particular, took place two weeks after this document was added to the file, on April 11. . “From that date, it was accessible and searchable by the parties“, which have the right to communicate about him, he says. Having no “suspicion” on possible violations of the secrecy of the instruction, it excludes “to initiate an investigation“.

Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers, masters Emmanuelle Franck, Jean-Baptiste Alary and Alexandre Martin, had written to the prosecutor to ask him to investigate the “multiplication” leaks to the press of information subject to the secrecy of the investigation. “I don’t know who tramples the secret of the instruction” but “these violations are increasing“, Me Alary told AFP on Thursday. He mentioned the publication in the press of a psychiatric expertise concerning Cédric and that of Delphine’s glasses.

Delphine Jubillar, who worked as a night nurse in a clinic in Albi, disappeared in the middle of the night from the family home in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn) in December 2020. Her husband Cédric Jubillar, with whom she was divorcing , is the prime suspect. He was indicted for murder and imprisoned on June 18, 2021. For months, the craftsman’s lawyers have been protesting that their client is still behind bars, while they claim that the file contains no irrefutable evidence. . The “leaks” that they point to have in any case overwhelmed the prisoner for the past few days. For the prosecution, it is clear that the 34-year-old painter-plasterer, father of the two children of the disappeared, is the culprit: according to the lawyers of the relatives of Delphine née Aussaguel, it is undeniable that he committed the irreparable upon realizing that his wife had decided to rebuild her life with another.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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