Jubillar case: The mystery of Delphine’s car finally elucidated

This is one of the stories that have intrigued the French the most in recent months. But where can be Delphine Jubillar ? The young nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines is still untraceable, more than a year after her disappearance. If today his spouse Cédric Jubillar appears as the number one suspect for the investigators, the latter continues to proclaim his innocence from his cell in the prison of Toulouse-Seysses (Haute-Garonne).

One of the elements that intrigues the investigators is the car of the young mother of two children. Cédric Jubillar’s lawyer, Maître Jean-Baptiste Alary, was interviewed by journalists from Le Nouveau Détective magazine on January 26 and he speaks precisely of this famous vehicle which was not parked in the usual sense if we believe a witness. “In fact, when Delphine came home from work at the Albi clinic, she parked her car with the passenger door on the house side. But when she came back from her son’s school, she lined up as the gendarmes found her: in the other direction”explains the lawyer.

Delphine is on leave and witnesses saw her come back behind the wheel of her Peugeot

For him, no mystery around the car therefore, especially given the day of December 15. “Exactly, the afternoon before her disappearance, Delphine was on leave and witnesses saw her return to the wheel of her Peugeot. It was therefore parked normally”he assures.

For Maître Alary, the debate is closed, nothing abnormal concerning the car of his client’s wife. The lawyer continues to try to get Cédric Jubillar out of prison, but for the third time his request for release has been rejected. “I take note (…). At the end of the hearing of February 11, we will formulate a new request for release”, replied his lawyer.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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