Jubillar case: Did Cédric really hide Delphine’s sex toys? He explains himself!

In order to dig into the childish personality of Cédric Jubillar, suspect number 1 in the disappearance of his wife Delphine, the investigating judges therefore asked a thousand and one questions about the one who has been detained for more than a year in pre-trial detention for homicide by joint. Even in the face of justice, he is not afraid to abuse provocations…

Faced with the psychiatrist in charge of appraising him, Cédric Jubillar speaks without great difficulty of his too childish, or immature side. He thus gives the example of his moments of play with their son Louis in remarks reported by Release : “Delphine reproached me for it, like when I built a wall of Lego to break it with [petites] cars. She asked me if I was 5 years old.“But this anecdote is not the most obvious of his immature temperament. And when the judges questioned him about his intimacy with Delphine and asked him if it was true that he confiscated his wife’s sex toys, he answer, according to Release : “I took my toys back.” The Parisian added details on this “anecdote”: “It was I who had bought her (note, the sex toys), so if she wanted some, she had to go buy some.

The sexuality of the couple is scrutinized for the needs of the investigation, because the track of the marital crime is the main one according to justice. It is therefore necessary to have all the possible elements on their life as a couple to understand what could have been the motive of the accused. Before suddenly disappearing on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, Delphine Jubillar born Aussaguel was in divorce proceedings by mutual consent from the father of her two children. She had also met another man, living in Montauban, and with whom she hoped to settle from the year 2021. Her evening in her house, with her children and her future ex-husband, took a mysterious turn. , since we still do not know, after a year and a half of research, what happened to the Tarn nurse whose body remains untraceable.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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