Jubillar case, Delphine’s lover knocked out by his companion: “He has lots of girls”, “narcissistic pervert” …

Since the start of the investigation into the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, attention has been focused on her husband with whom she was in divorce proceedings, Cédric. The nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines, who has not given any sign of life since December 16, 2020, wanted to separate from the one she accused of making her live a “Bidochon” life. She was also planning to settle down with her new lover, whom she met via a dating site the summer before she disappeared. The Midi Dispatch collected the testimony of this man and his companion. She paints an inglorious portrait of this individual who was previously described as a passionate lover…

The Midi Dispatch had access to the June 2022 hearings of two key witnesses in the case: Delphine’s lover and his companion. The latter made a very unflattering portrait of the man with whom she had a child. Until then, he was presented as a discreet, romantic piano teacher, the opposite of Cédric Jubillar in his attitude and ready to settle down with the missing nurse.

Now, it is a completely different description of the man but also of their relationship that is made. She claims not to have been aware that the relationship of Delphine and the lover of “Montauban” was also started: “I didn’t know he had a plan to separate from me. I did not measure what was happening between them. It was when Delphine disappeared that I understood.” Which contrasts with the SMS she had sent to Delphine on December 15, the date on which she was last seen alive. In her message, she had asked her “rival” to wait for the end of the Christmas parties to officially start his new life with his companion.

Of the father of her child, she will say today: “People have no idea how he really is… If I got fat, he could leave me, if I didn’t run the house well, he wouldn’t have wanted a child with me.” According to his words, he would accumulate the conquests: “He finds it difficult to stabilize himself, and he always wants better, always more. He has lots of chicks. You will find that he is super nice but he is a narcissistic pervert. He belittles others.” Thus, the piano lover who works in a large DIY store, would not hesitate to do a charming number with customers who ask for plumbing advice.

What about the evening during which Delphine disappeared, that of December 15 to 16, 2020? The deceived companion claims that she went well and that the couple would have gone to bed around 10:30 p.m. An alibi that the investigators confronted with the demarcation of their telephones which indicates that they did indeed stay at home, together.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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