Jubillar case: Cédric “freaked out” when he discovered Delphine’s messages with her lover

On May 12, 2022, “Marco”, nickname of a former fellow prisoner of Delphine Jubillar’s husband, Cédric – currently in pre-trial detention in Toulouse-Seysses -, had a confrontation with him in the cabinet of the examining magistrates. The first maintains that the second confessed to having killed his wife, which he strongly denies. If during the face-to-face, everyone remained on their positions, The Parisian returned to the explosive revelations of the former prisoner and in particular those on the course of the last night during which the disappeared was seen, which he again confirmed before the judges last week.

Heard for the first time on September 29, 2021 on condition of anonymity (he was still in detention at that time) then by name after his release on October 4, Marco told the gendarmes that Cédric confessed to having killed his wife”writing The Parisian. According to the Corsican, he would have said to him: “I freaked out, got rid of her.” A confidence that he would have made to her one day around 5 a.m., while smoking a joint of cannabis, he who is a heavy user of this drug. Still according to “Marco”, Cédric Jubillar would have realized that he would be went too far in his conversation and would therefore have added: “These morons (the investigators), they have nothing against me. Either way, I’m innocent.

According to the explanations collected and repeated by Marco, the last evening when Delphine Jubillar was seen alive, Cédric would have gone to join her to recover his phone charger but would then “broke a nerve” seeing his wife immersed in her phone. He would have first seen a message from wife’s lover with whom she was texting, recounts the fellow prisoner. He took his phone from his hands and saw the messages: “That’s what pissed him off.“For months, the Jubillar couple had been struggling and his wife had met another man with whom there was a real crush. The lovers were hoping to settle down together after the end of year celebrations.

Released some time later because he had served his sentence – and not as a favor as the courts had to specify – Marco offered his help to the authorities once released. Investigations then took place according to the confidences he would have collected, in particular around a farm which burned down, but in vain. For the new (and now ex?) companion of Cédric Jubillar, Séverine, who was approached by Marco to find out more, these revelations are more like yet another provocation on the part of the controversial 34-year-old painter and plasterer. However, for justice, Marco obtained details of the case which could only be communicated by Cédric Jubillar himself, in particular about the triggering of the possible passage to the criminal act that the prosecution supports. . For the magistrates, this witness is credible.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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