Jubillar case: Cédric accuses a neighbor of the disappearance of his wife!

An inveterate gambler who squanders all his money on his passion, Cédric Jubillar likes to have fun, bet but also (and above all?) provoke. At 34, the husband of the one who has disappeared since December 2020, Delphine, accumulates blows, whatever the context. But there is one that reveals a manipulative facet of the main suspect in the case.

In Release, attention is paid in particular to his relationship with a couple of neighbors in particular. A worker at the housing estate where the Jubillars live is accused of stealing a “iron plate” in a local workshop by relatives of Séverine, Cédric’s new companion. The controversial man then decides to confront this neighbor in public, two months after Delphine’s disappearance: “I want to know where my wife is !” He implies that the plate in question was used to hide the untraceable body of his wife. New detective.

You ask me if he spread the rumor in a joking tone or if he was serious, I answer you that yes, he was seriousx”, declares on PV the neighbor, reports Release. Why did you choose to drag this man through the mud? Certainly because his wife Elena (the first name has been changed), is a friend of Delphine, whom Cédric often made fun of before despising them. A woman who invests in research to find a trace of the young woman and mother of two children, and who blames her husband for having “the boots a little too clean” during the hunts, implying that he was not making much effort…

Provocative, manipulative… Cédric Jubillar has not had much support since the disappearance of the one with whom he was in divorce proceedings. This story does not play in his favor and adds to many comments from those around him who describe him as an aggressive and calculating man. But no crime scene and no body found allow any real conclusions to be drawn.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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