Jubillar case: An incredible hiccup during Cédric’s hearing revealed!

At the beginning of June 2022, Cédric Jubillar had an appointment with the justice system. The 34-year-old craftsman was expected at the bar to defend his release. Indeed, in June 2021, he was imprisoned in pre-trial detention for spousal homicide for a period of one year, renewable. After a year, the judge of freedoms had to rule on his fate. This new hearing was marked by an error committed by the courts…

Attention was high on June 9, 2022, when Cédric Jubillar entered the box for a court hearing, reports Toulouse News. On the benches reserved for the public, all eyes are on the husband of the missing Tarn, Delphine, and the main suspect in the case. The photographers assail the presumed culprit with their crackling and blinding flashes. However, while the lenses immortalize the face of this man and no one, even among his lawyers, takes offense, a magistrate from the Toulouse judicial court rectifies the situation: the dissemination of the images is prohibited. Bad luck for those who intended to reveal the face of the controversial husband. If the desire to override this request came, legal proceedings were considered. Something to calm the heat.

No photo of Cédric Jubillar has leaked since. As for the court decision, it leaned in favor of extending his detention, in order to avoid the disturbances to public order that the release of such a high-profile and controversial man may cause, to allow the investigation to be continued calmly, without risk of subordination of witnesses, disappearance of evidence. The judge therefore did not follow the request of the lawyers of suspect number, who hoped to make him a free man, available to justice, under an electronic bracelet.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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