Jubillar case: A neighbor was “too scared” to intervene on the evening of Delphine’s disappearance!

On the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, cries “of fright“resonate in the small town of Cagnac-Les-Mines. Still traumatized by the screams heard the evening of Delphine’s disappearance, one of her neighbors revealed to the investigators that she had almost intervened at the Jubillar’s home, suspecting that something serious was happening…

They were the cries of a woman, they were sharp and came from outside [des habitations]. They weren’t smothered. I also heard barking (for the record, the Jubillars have two Shar-Peis, editor’s note). I took two steps forward, leaned over a little, but not too much. I’m afraid of dogs. I thought to myself that two dogs were fighting and that this woman couldn’t separate them. What surprised me was that there were no lyrics. They were screams. cries of fear“. Unable to imagine that a woman was being assaulted, this neighbor then first thought “at a dog fight“but could not get closer to the scene because she said she had a terrible phobia of these animals.

She couldn’t catch her breath

A thesis supported by her daughter, who went out to join her mother just after watching the film back to the future 2 which was on television that evening on TF1. It is then exactly 11:07 p.m. according to the Toulouse SR, while the last message exchanged between Delphine and her lover that evening is dated 10:55 p.m. The alleged murder of Delphine could therefore well have occurred at that time.

It lasted a long time, like she couldn’t catch her breath” added the daughter of this neighbor. Her mother specifies that these cries “chilling“were accompanied by”squeaks“of dogs and would have lasted”between five and ten minutes“and allegedly occurred outside of a home.”It was a cry of fear, it was loud. It was screaming, it was stopping, and the fear was so great that she didn’t have time to catch her breath. What I do know is that this person’s cry made me very, very scared..” she told the police.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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