Jubillar affair: This very tense evening between Cédric and Delphine revealed…

Particularly appreciated by those around her, Delphine Jubillar continues to be showered with praise by all those close to her, be it her family – she has lost her parents but has sisters and brothers, as well as a cousin to whom she is particularly close. , just like his uncle and aunt. All describe her as a very loving mother, or even a devoted colleague. However, one of her closest friends also knew the missing woman’s husband, Cédric. Which allows him to be particularly aware of the couple they formed, until the last moment before the fateful night of December 2020. In his interview with The Parisianshe notably noted the change in behavior of her great friend in the face of her controversial husband, currently imprisoned temporarily in the Seysses remand center for spousal homicide.

In her interview with the daily, Anne sheds light on the relationship between Delphine and Cédric, crucial information although subjective, since it allows us to better understand the man who is considered the number 1 suspect. Of a discreet or even erased nature , especially with her provocative husband, the Tarn nurse had however gained confidence in the months preceding her disappearance. Thus, Anne recounts an evening “particularly tense” for husband and wife, where Delphine did not want to “crash” as she might have done in the past.

She had really changed and dared to assert herself. I remember a particularly tense evening at their house around the beginning of September. They kept arguing over the choice of music. They never agreed, but Delphine, contrary to her habits, never gave up. She also put Cédric in place when he launched into tirades about the work he was doing in the house”explain to Parisian the one who was one of the last to have seen Delphine born Aussaguel alive.

From the summer of 2020, Delphine Jubillar seemed to want to put an end to her life as a “Bidochon”, wishing to no longer suffer from her life as a couple. She also transformed physically, getting ready more. Changes that also correspond to his meeting with another man, the confidant of Montauban. This piano teacher was not a passing affair but a beautiful story that both were beginning to write, even planning to settle down after the end of year celebrations. But these will never take place for the young woman of 33 years.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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