Jubilee of Elizabeth II: The nice gesture of Prince Charles, charmer towards Kate Middleton!

Often protective of the Duchess of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales has always got on well with her, advising her at the time of her marriage to take her time and enjoy her family. Advice that she followed perfectly: despite her regular commitments, she has always been known to make her own decisions with her children, to protect them as best as possible from the media coverage that Prince William and Prince Harry may have suffered younger.

Recently, Kate Middleton even did some solo engagements with her stepdad and Camilla, who she also seems to be enjoying. We do not know, however, what is the state of relations between the heir to the throne and his other daughter-in-law, Meghan Markle. If it is rumored that the links, which have been rather loose in recent months, would be better, the time does not seem to be for reconciliation either.

A rather sad state of affairs, when we remember that it was on the arm of Charles that Meghan Markle had returned to church for her wedding. But things can still change: this Thursday, according to the DailyMailthe Sussex couple had lunch with the Queen of England and Prince Charles to introduce them to their youngest, Lilibet, born a year ago in California and whom they had never seen in person.

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