Joyce Jonathan as a couple: she finally reveals the face of her companion

Usually very discreet about her love life, Joyce Jonathan has this time decided to formalize her relationship in broad daylight. Followed by the cameras of 50 ‘Inside, broadcast this Saturday, November 27 on TF1, the 32-year-old singer has (finally) solved the mystery of the identity of the one who makes his heart beat.

Following his previous relationship with Thomas Hollande – son of the former President of the Republic, François Hollande and Ségolène Royal – Joyce Jonathan had opted for a love life far from the cameras. Sure of her love for Ghjulia’s father – born November 2, 2020 – the young mother presented him in front of the camera. Holding her little daughter in her arms, the latter then multiplied the proofs of affection by stroking the face of the man she loves. A handsome brunette of Corsican origin who responds to Martial’s first name. “We met at the Cannes Film Festival“, she first indicated, a little embarrassed, and to continue, not without humor:”And there I saw that he was a pianist, and I said to myself: ‘But he’s not bad!’

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