Joyce Jonathan and Thomas Holland still on good terms? This sentence of the singer who does not deceive

Successfully breaking up is not given to everyone. Joyce Jonathan, for example, was in a relationship for two years with Thomas Hollande, from 2012 until the summer of 2014… and these two managed, it seems, to maintain a perfectly healthy relationship. Water has flowed under the bridges and everyone has rebuilt their lives, of course, but we know for example that a few years ago, the exes liked to meet for coffee or dinner. This is what the 33-year-old singer confided on the set of the show Tea or coffeeon France 2.

Today we have a very healthy relationship

“When there has been no deception or disrespect, it is possible“, she raised. Indeed. According to information fromParis here, their love would have gradually died out because of their busy professional careers. But no infidelity of any kind had entered the line of fire. “Time has done its work explained Joyce Jonathan to Catherine Ceylac. Thomas and I have remained friends. Today, we have a very healthy relationship. I appreciate his human qualities, I like what he is. I am happy to have him in my circle.

Thomas Hollande is now married to journalist Emilie Broussouloux, with whom he had two children: Jeanne, in June 2019 and Noé, in January 2021. Joyce Jonathan, for her part, is also happy in the household since she has lived a real love at first sight for her Corsican companion, Martial Paoli, and that they welcomed a little Ghjulia together in November 2020. However, the break-up she experienced with the son of Ségolène Royal and François Hollande was not easy to manage, on many levels. “It was at the launch of my second album, so I didn’t know if people were interested in my music or my couple.she told Closer. And it’s super hard when you do this job because you have plenty of times when you feel useless, rotten, you don’t have any confidence in yourself and, in addition, you show up in an interview and we don’t talk about yourself...”

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