Joy Hallyday: Laeticia’s beautiful message for her 14th birthday, and her late dad’s advice revealed

This Wednesday, July 27, 2022, Joy Hallyday turned 14. A very fine age for a pretty sunny teenager, who is increasingly establishing herself as the star of the clan. If her eldest Jade Hallyday is much more discreet on social networks, Joy, she shares almost daily her looks, her favorites, her rants and of course countless memories of her late dad, who she misses so much. She did not hesitate to reveal recently on TikTok to be at odds with his nephew Cameronfrom the marriage between David Hallyday and the Monegasque heiress Alexandra Pastor, since the tensions which broke his family in two.

For her birthday, the pretty Joy Hallyday was filled. If the messages of his friends did not fail on this very special day, that of his mother Laeticia Hallyday must have particularly touched her. “You are deeply special to all who know youwrites the widow of Johnny Hallyday on Instagram. I’m so lucky to be your mom. I savor every minute as you grow and transform into this amazing girl.” She evokes her wisdom, her kindness, and also herbeautiful singing voice“and his way of”playing guitar.

The advice of his father in inheritance

So close to her father, the 14-year-old girl has obviously inherited her frank character but also her artistic flair. “You mean the world to me my angelcontinues Laeticia Hallyday. And never forget what your daddy told you. Never let anyone tell you how to feel, how to be. Because no one is in your place. You are free to follow your desires, your dreams. You are free to be yourself.

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