Video length: 2 min.
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French journalist Olivier Dubois has been released after 711 days in captivity. He arrived Monday, March 20 very moved at the airport of Niamey, in Niger.
The ghost’s smile. Olivier Dubois falls into the arms of his colleagues and friends. He has finally just arrived at Niamey airport (Niger), free, Monday, March 20. He is now waiting for only one thing: to find his family, after 711 days hostage away from his family. “I only think about this”he confided. “I feel tired, but I’m fine”, he reassured. From France, his sister, Canèle Bernard, is eager to find him. “It delights us, and we hope to be able to hug him soon. After these 23 months of absence, it is high time”she says.
Freelance journalist kidnapped in Mali
Independent journalist, Olivier Dubois worked in particular for Release, Point And Young Africa. He lived in Bamako, Mali. He was kidnapped on April 8, 2021 in Gaz (Mali), while he was going on assignment. He had himself announced that he had been taken hostage, in a video broadcast by a terrorist organization, the support group for Islam and Muslims. Evidence of life had since been scarce. With France’s hasty departure from Mali, his relatives were worried. Olivier Dubois was released with another hostage, an American. If the conditions of their release remain unclear, Niger would have played a key role. Olivier Dubois should arrive in France on Tuesday morning.