Journalist Fanny Agostini reveals to be at the origin of the complaint for “attempted sexual assault” filed against Jean-Jacques Bourdin

“I said to myself: is it normal what I experienced? Do women have to put up with this?” Journalist Fanny Agostini reveals in the columns of Mediapart, Monday, February 14, to be at the origin of the complaint for “attempted sexual assault” filed against Jean-Jacques Bourdin. In its long investigation, the online newspaper relays other testimonies, some identified, others anonymous, targeting the famous host. Temporarily removed from the air on BFMTV and RMC, the journalist denies the facts.

Former weather presenter of RMC-BFMTV, then passed by “Thalassa”, Fanny Agostini gives in Mediapart her version of the facts dating back to 2013, when she participated in the Calvi Petanque Open, in Corsica, where Jean-Jacques Bourdin is also invited.

One morning, she swims in the hotel pool. Jean-Jacques Bourdin would have approached “very quickly”would have “grabbed by the neck, on the side”and would have “suddenly drawn to him” trying to kiss her “Many times”. “Taking lessons”she says she doesn’t have “not shouted”but be “debated” and managed to get out of the water.

Jean-Jacques Bourdin, can we read in Mediapart, would then have launched to him: “I always get what I want”. A sentence that “punctuated (his) nightmares for years”. And that Fanny Agostini says she lived “as a threat from someone who had a hierarchical ascendancy”.

She then assures that between September 2014 and spring 2015, the host sent her, in the midst of professional exchanges, many messages with a sexual connotation. Like the one of November 27, 2014, which Mediapart claims to have obtained, received on his professional email: “You tempt me every morning… I like your look”.

Asked about all the testimonies, Jean-Jacques Bourdin did not respond to Mediapart. An investigation was entrusted by the Paris prosecutor’s office to the 16th arrondissement police station, and an internal investigation was opened by Altice, parent company of BFMTV and RMC.

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