Journalist Anna Cabana had a “conflict of interest” in hosting a program on Jean-Michel Blanquer, her husband, says the Journalistic Ethics Council

On January 18, the program “Conversations with Anna Cabana” notably addressed the case of Jean-Michel Blanquer, criticized for having announced new measures in connection with the Covid-19 epidemic from Ibiza, where he was on vacation. .. with his wife, Anna Cabana.

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Animate a program on her husband, without mentioning it to the viewer? A breach of ethics, concludes the Council for Journalistic Ethics and Mediation (CDJM), in an opinion made public on May 18.

On January 18, journalist Anna Cabana, an employee of the i24 News television channel, hosted the program “Conversations with Anna Cabana” as usual. That day, the program notably addresses the case of Jean-Michel Blanquer, criticized for having announced new measures in connection with the Covid-19 epidemic from Ibiza, where he was on vacation … with his wife, Anna Cabin.

Gold, “at no time in the program in question does the journalist indicate her private links with Mr. Jean-Michel Blanquer”notes the CDJM. “The choice not to be replaced on the air on January 18 or at the very least not to explain to viewers that she was going to be content to distribute the floor on the subject of the day, since it concerned her husband, the de facto place in a situation of conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest”decides the institution, which cannot impose a sanction.

“The ethical rule of avoiding – or putting an end to – any situation that could lead to a conflict of interest has not been respected by i24News”concludes the Council, which nevertheless notes that “the ethical rules for offering a reply and distinguishing between advertising and information have not been violated”.

Invited to explain themselves by the CDJM, the journalist and her editorial staff did not respond. The person concerned nevertheless gave an interview to the Parisian (article reserved for subscribers) the day after the show, explaining that her relationship with Jean-Michel Blanquer was “public”. “Tap on my name on the Internet, it’s everywhere. It’s even written on my Wikipedia file! Today, everyone knows that I am Jean-Michel Blanquer’s companion.” But the CDJM believes that “this notoriety is quite relative, and that the marital bond is not made explicit, for example by a marital name”.

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