Journalism: launch of the general states of the right to information



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1 minute


Tuesday, October 3, the general states of the right to information are launched. What topics will be covered?

Guarantee the right to reliable information for everyone… This is in essence the objective set by the States General of Information, at a time of distrust towards the media. According to a recent survey, 71% of French people believe that the media are not interested in the veracity of the information, only in the audience. The first phase begins Tuesday, October 3, to make the diagnosis. “These upheavals in the world of the media have an extremely strong impact on democracy and more broadly on our society, on our rights, and even about our personal life”says Christophe Deloirethe general delegate of the general states of the right to information.

Source protection

Among the themes questioned: the quality of information processing, social networks, or even the battle against disinformation. The concentration of the media will also be a subject, a few weeks after the strike at JDD. The journalists denounced the arrival of the new director, opposed to their values, according to them. 82% of French people think that the French media are under the influence of the large groups that run them. After the recent arrest of journalist Ariane Lavrilleuxsuspected of having violated the top secretthe protection of sources is more than ever at the center of attention. The subject will also be on the agenda for discussions.

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