Josiane Balasko mother of Rudy: her son has returned to live with her!

At 71, Josiane Balasko is a fulfilled woman. The Bronzés star has a very good film career but can also rejoice in a busy intimate life, she who is a grandmother and mother of two children: Marilou Berry and Rudy, whom she adopted. The latter is kept away from the spotlight but his famous mother has given some news.

It is near Cine TV Review – in comments reported by Gala Friday December 17th – to promote the new comedy My dearest children with Didier Bourdon, whom Josiane Balasko agreed to talk about about her son. She thus revealed that he is “always at home“Even though he is 33 years old today. The star, who describes herself as a mother”pretty cool” and “not intrusive“, adopted Rudy with her ex and late husband, the sculptor Philippe Berry, at the end of the 1980s. Gala in 2019, she said, however, that her son now had his own life, as a sports coach, but that he was coming back “often” to see her.

Josiane Balasko must be delighted, she who is very family. “I have friends who pass, a husband [George Aguilar, qu’elle a épousé en 2003, NDLR], okay, I’m not a loner. I can’t imagine living alone in the countryside like a recluse! I don’t have my license, I would be really pissed off“, she added with humor.

In 2015 in the show The sofa by Marc-Olivier Fogiel, Josiane Balasko confided in the adoption and her first meeting with Rudy: “I tried to have more children, and it didn’t work a few times. With my husband, we said to each other that we were going to adopt and as I was already forty years old, I had no desire to nurture, I no longer had the energy (…) saw his photo – and it was exactly the same feeling as when I saw my daughter in the clinic when she was born, I knew him.

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