Joséphine Baker: the artist enters the Pantheon



France 2

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Tuesday, November 30, Josephine Baker joined the only five women pantheonized during a memorable ceremony in his honor. The singer is the first Métis woman to enter the Pantheon.

It’s certain “Here I am Paris again” that the coffin of Josephine Baker is carried to the temple of the Republic. This coffin contains only earth, the real one having remained in Monaco, in accordance with the wishes of his family. The first Afro-descendant woman to enter the Pantheon was commemorated and her multifaceted life was projected onto the walls of the monument.

First singer and music hall dancer, then resistance against Nazi Germany, then against racism alongside Martin Luther-King. Present for the ceremony, Emmanuel Macron expresses his gratitude in a few words. “Infinitely just, infinitely fraternal, infinitely from France”, he said before greeting eleven of his twelve children, who were present.

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